Friday, February 6, 2009

A list of some US based energy saving calculators and other resources.

I must apologise for not being able to direct you to the site where I found this list, but its all about spreading the sustainabilty gospel so I hope they dont mind:

U.S. Department of Energy: .

Home Energy Saver:

The Building Life-Cycle Cost Program:

Personal Emissions Calculator:

General Electrical Energy Cost Calculator:

Carbon Footprint Calculator:

Energy Guide’s Carbon Footprint Calculator:

Nature Conservancy’s Carbon Footprint Calculator:

An Inconvenient Truth’s Carbon Footprint Calculator:

Power Score Card:

365 Ways to Save Energy:

EnergyQuest’s Saving Energy Page:

Alliance to Save Energy:

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Sustainable Sea Change

A couple of baby-boomers will leave the big city of Sydney and move north to a coastal location where the climate is sub-tropical and the sea is in view.
Over the next few years they will design and build an environmentally friendly, passive-solar house using sustainable products and technologies.

A permaculture garden will supply vegetables and eggs.
This blog will attempt to progressively cover the possibilities, events and progress of this sustainable seachange

