Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Long time no blog.

Its blogging season again - at least on these pages. It has been months since I posted anything about the project but thats the nature of the beast.

Our sustainable seachange will happen over several years and I intend to document our progress in this blog. But there will be months when nothing happens and I am sure there will be months when lots of things happen.

Seems like last month but was actually almost six months ago when we last visited our block of land. We planted over 30 trees, assorted fruit trees and a hedge. Last report was that 3 or 4 had died but the rest were growing so thats good news.

By the time we move we should have a variety of fruit trees, bearing delicious fruits like mango, avocado and many others.

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Sustainable Sea Change

A couple of baby-boomers will leave the big city of Sydney and move north to a coastal location where the climate is sub-tropical and the sea is in view.
Over the next few years they will design and build an environmentally friendly, passive-solar house using sustainable products and technologies.

A permaculture garden will supply vegetables and eggs.
This blog will attempt to progressively cover the possibilities, events and progress of this sustainable seachange

