Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A few words on shades of Green.

Isn't it ironic Alanis, how Green politics used to be the domain of left-wing, tree-hugging environmentalists?

Now, Green is mainstream. No longer do you have to seek out the alternative lifestyle press! The cover story of the 6 December 2008 issue of New Scientist magazine. is "Go off grid...how to be totally self sufficient"
(Of course there is not much New about the Science involved. Passive solar design principles were used by the ancients!)

These days it is fashionabe to be Green to the point where the capitalist ideology, (Responsible for the pollution which is largely causing climate change) is now profiting from the sale of everything supposedly environmentally friendly.

But you dont need to live in a mud brick hut and be a card-carrying member of Greenpeace to appreciate the benefits of making a Sustainable Seachange.

As much as we admire those who are, The Woman and I don't see ourselves as latter day hippies or out and out Greenies.

Sure, we want to reduce our carbon footprint. We want to consume less. We want to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Grow our own organic food. Get our electricity free from the sun and our water free from the rain which falls on our roof.

Why? Because it all makes sense.

Sure it costs more in the beginning, but it reduces your ongoing costs so that as a retiree, (Whether as a self-funded retiree or on a government pension), you will have more disposable income.

For life's little luxuries!

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Sustainable Sea Change

A couple of baby-boomers will leave the big city of Sydney and move north to a coastal location where the climate is sub-tropical and the sea is in view.
Over the next few years they will design and build an environmentally friendly, passive-solar house using sustainable products and technologies.

A permaculture garden will supply vegetables and eggs.
This blog will attempt to progressively cover the possibilities, events and progress of this sustainable seachange

