Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sustainable Seachange explained.

So what do we mean by a Sustainable Seachange? Wikipedia says,

"Sustainable living refers to a specific lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual's or society's use of the Earth's natural resources. Practitioners of sustainable living often attempt to reduce their carbon footprints by altering methods of transportation, energy consumption and diet."

One definition of Seachange is an "Australian demographic phenomenon." "A seachange (or sea change) is an abandonment of city living in favour of a perceived 'easier life' in rural coastal communities. The term derives from the popular ABC TV television series SeaChange, which triggered the phenomenon of many city-dwellers mimicking the drama's protagonist's escape from urban life. "

And for our purposes, these definitions will suffice. Thank you Wikipedia

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Sustainable Sea Change

A couple of baby-boomers will leave the big city of Sydney and move north to a coastal location where the climate is sub-tropical and the sea is in view.
Over the next few years they will design and build an environmentally friendly, passive-solar house using sustainable products and technologies.

A permaculture garden will supply vegetables and eggs.
This blog will attempt to progressively cover the possibilities, events and progress of this sustainable seachange

